Saturday, July 9, 2011

Christmas in July - Week 1

Coming from a Mommy who doesn't start Christmas shopping until December 15th-ish *cringe*, I know how difficult it could be to start planning for Christmas lists now - especially when those lists may or may not include crocheted winter items! It's hot outside, for pete's sake! However, with the upcoming birth of our 4th daughter, I will NOT be taking any orders - Christmas or otherwise - after a certain date in October (TBD)!

Week 1 Special
15% OFF ALL Ted E Bear Beanies!!
Seeing as how I'm a procrastinator and didn't get this info up last week, just mention the blog during checkout, I will take allow this discount through the end of July and will credit your PayPal!

You can also find a bonus Coupon Code on the Facebook Page! "Like" me and save even more!!



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